About Me

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I am 28, and live in Stratford, PEI, with my parents and brother, and 2 cats.. *S* I have Chronic Kidney Failure and have had 2 transplants, the first in 1992 and the second in 2001.. I am now on dialysis and awaiting a third transplant.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rikimas is here!! aka Riki in NY - Day Three

What a day, what a day. It started about 10:30 this morning, when Madmoll arrived at my hotel. I hadn't finished my coffee yet. So, she waited until I had done that, and we caught a bus to the Disney Store on 5th avenue.

There were picketers already there, marching in full force. They had the blow up pig, which I think is incredibly funny. They had enough marchers, so Madmoll and I handed out flyers instead. We did that until about 2pm.

From there, we went on to Times Square. Specifically, the ferris wheel at Toyz R Us at Times Square. It was one of the things that I really really really wanted to do, so we did it. And here we are on the ferris wheel. We were in the My Little Pony car. We wanted the Mr. Potatohead car, but you have to take one of the cars offered you. It was My Little Pony, or Barbie Car. We liked the rainbows. I got a picture of the Lego Statue of Liberty, which I thought was pretty cool.

After that, we pretty much headed home, because Madmoll had an acting class to get to. I go back to grand ol' PEI tomorrow, but I will miss this city immensely.

Go to my site for more pics from today.

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