About Me

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I am 28, and live in Stratford, PEI, with my parents and brother, and 2 cats.. *S* I have Chronic Kidney Failure and have had 2 transplants, the first in 1992 and the second in 2001.. I am now on dialysis and awaiting a third transplant.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ticket Requests Open!!

Well, you can imagine my excitement when I got a PM from Ashe (aka ashextray, theashepiece) on the tekjansen.com boards the other day. She told me that Comedy Central had finally opened requests for tickets to TCR taping!! I wax ecstatic at the news and sent my request in right away. That was at 10:57pm ATL on Thursday. This is Sunday, and I haven't heard back yet. Oh well. I'll keep checking my email, and I'll let you know if anything happens. I may get to go yet. *G*

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