About Me

My photo
I am 28, and live in Stratford, PEI, with my parents and brother, and 2 cats.. *S* I have Chronic Kidney Failure and have had 2 transplants, the first in 1992 and the second in 2001.. I am now on dialysis and awaiting a third transplant.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Stephen's on Vacation

Dr. Stephen T Colbert DFA is taking a break until September 11 (what a day to come back, huh?), so I've decided to lay off Comedy Central until at least then. I still haven't received anything from them to answer my question.
There is talk on ColbertNation.com about a TDS/TCR Convention in 2008. Sounds like a neat idea. They're talking like it might be in Charloston, SC. I hope so. I'll definately be saving up for the tickets then, and maybe find my own way to see Stephen. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Quick Update

Hello All

I just wanted to stop in to let you know what all is going on. Well, it's been six days, and I've heard nothing from Comedy Central. I still don't know how to get ahold of Stephen Colbert, even to just send him a nice fan letter. Besides, why shouldn't I tell him that I think he's the sexiest man on television? Oh well, my quest continues.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Just a quick note..

Hey all.

I just wanted to let you all know of the itty bit of progress I've made today. I found a spot on Comedy Central's website where you could ask a question, so I asked him how I would go about sending fan mail. I'll let you know when (if) I get a reply on that.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Hi all, and welcome to my new blog. I decided to create this blog after become a faithful Stephen Colbert fan. I'm even driving my family crazy talking about him. *L* My quest, as the title of the page says, is to find a way to get to New York City from little 'ol Prince Edward Island to go to a taping of The Colbert Report and (hopefully) meet Stephen Colbert. What I'm going to do with this page is chronical the progress (if any) that I make in getting to a taping, and maybe get the attention of Mr. Stephen Colbert himself.
And before you dismiss me as one of those weirdos, I just want to say I'm just fan, and not much of anything more. I don't think he's telling me he loves me by the way he blinks at the camera, and I have no plans of stalking him, even though I may at some later date say it on the message board on ColbertNation.com. A lot of what I say on that site is tongue in cheek, and is meant to be funny, unless I do say that I'm being serious, which I believe I have said once. I am simply a fan, who would like to see Stephen Colbert live, like any music fan wants to see their favorite musician live, and that I've done a few times without being called a nut.
I suppose I should explain how all this started. I'd been watching the show for a few months, had joined the ColbertNation website, when I saw at the end of a show that you could get tickets to be in the audience. I figured as much, really, but didn't (and still really don't) know how to get them, but it wouldn't matter if I did. It would just be too hard for me to do. Why, you ask? Well, I'll explain that one as well. I know that some would just hop on a bus, go to the show, then hang around the bus station till they could get a bus home again, but I can't do that. You see, I am on dialysis, as I have been for a little more than two years now, with no end in sight. So, it's not really the travel that's the problem. It's the need to find a clean place to dialyze. Again, I'll explain.
The way I do things at home, I have a machine, called a cycler, which I hook up to every night for ten hours. The way it works is, I have a plastic tube in my abdomen which was surgically placed. The end of it goes into the peritoneal cavity, which is basically an empty space which surrounds your vital organs. Through this tube, called a perioneal catheter, a fluid that contains water, salt, and sugar (basically, anyway) is pumped into the peritoneal cavity by the cycler. It then sits in the peritoneal cavity for an amount of time determined by the doctor(for me, it's about two hours). While in there, this fluid absorbs most of the toxins that the kidneys would normally remove. At the end of that period of time, the fluid drains out, and the process repeats. This is done four or five times, depending on how long your doctor wants you to do it. I do mine at night, while I sleep, for ten hours. I could also do manual exchanges, which involves the use of a twin bag, which is one bag with enough fluid for one exchange, and an attached bag to drain into. This is usually done four times a day, with six hours between each exchange. The manual exchanges are easier when travelling, because you don't know a whole lot of space to do them, however, like I've said before, the place must be very clean. It actually must be close to sterile, as you must be when doing them. When opening and closing the catheter, you must have clean hands and wear a mask so that you don't accidentally contaminate the end, which can actually cause infection in the peritoneal cavity. This infection is called peritonitis, and can be quite deadly.
So, my problem is this; there is no way I could afford this trip. I work part-time, making $900 a month after taxes. I just don't see myself ever being able to afford a) the trip, and b) the hotel room that I would need to get for at least one night. As for getting the needed supplies, that's not really a problem. i would just have to call the supplier, let them know what I was doing, where I was going, and they would deliver it there for me.
My first step was to look for an organization that grants wishes to chronically and terminally ill adults in Canada. I knew there were a few in the US, but I couldn't find any in Canada. Then someone on another message board that I go to, IHateDialysis.com, that I should send Stephen Colbert a letter to tell him my predicament, and perhaps he himself would help. So, I started at the Comedy Central website, but alas, they don't accept postal mail, and the one contact page they had didn't look like it would get the message all the way to who you wanted to see it. And this is as far as I got.
I'll update as I get more info. Thanks for listening, and joining me on this voyage.

EDIT: I found out yesterday (Aug 22) that Mr. Colbert is not the proper way to address Stephen Colbert. In June, he received an honorary doctorate of fine arts from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois. So, he is to be addressed as Dr. Stephen T. Colbert DFA. I apologize to you, Dr. Colbert for my error.